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California Market Update

San Francisco California Buyer Agent On 2019 Homes for Sale

When someone mentions tourist spots like Hollywood, Disneyland, Yosemite National Park, Alcatraz, Angel Island, and Golden Gate Bridge, only one place comes to everybody’s mind: California. With its $3.0 trillion economy, it is now considered as the world’s 5th largest economy. California is home to 39.6 million residents, making it the most populous state in the United States. It is…

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Denver CO Realtor Weighs In On Buying A Property During A Pandemic

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Such a famous quote that makes sense nowadays. Coronavirus is seriously testing humanity's resilience. The world’s economy is bleeding and everyone’s well-being is at risk of a deadly virus. But even with what seems to be taking forever to vanquish, some of us would like to move forward. Today, A realtor…

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